
Monday, May 5, 2014

The simple things…

i find myself often so in awe of my Master and just how well rounded He is with me.  He goes out of His way to make sure i always remember Who i belong to, and that His Control of me is so much more than just the constant state of arousal He keeps me in.
The daily tasks help keep me grounded and connected while He is away, and in those times when He is unable to contact me i feel the trepidation and i do tend to flounder. Yet i am finding little by little the strength He has shown me i have inside and am starting to realize that these feelings i have are not bad in themselves, they are a natural reaction. What would be bad is if i allow them to overwhelm me and control me. In doing this i am in a way submitting to these fears then and not to Him.
i will not say i am at the point yet where i can quickly dispel the silly thoughts that can haunt me at times, but i can say that thanks to the care, in ALL things, that my Master gives to me i am finding the strength to think ahead more and find ways to remind myself of His control, to remind myself that i am His, even when He is so far away at times.
It was in fact Master’s idea to have me start this blog, and suddenly as i write these words, i can see how this can help me in those times. How easy it could be to simply come here and remember. To hold onto the lessons i am learning about myself as well as about Master, so i may be a better slave for Him in all ways.
So the next time i am feeling down or floundering a bit, wondering if i am worthy enough, or good enough, smart enough or pretty enough. i shall visit these pages and find that “Lady” inside me, stand up straight and remember these simple things He teaches, and does for me are not actually so little or simple. They are complex and very big when it comes right down to it, and i shall learn and grow from them all.
This is a simple thing my Master did today to remind me i am His. i received this in my email today…

Flowers for My girl
Saw these and thought of you

They are photos of some flowers He saw while He was out working, and it really made me feel like His angel to get them in my mail with the simple little note.
Come to find out He actually saw them as He drove past them and literally turned the car about to take these photo’s just to send to me. So you see something that may appear so simple had a lot more to it than than just a photo and a note, and it meant so very very much to this slave girl ! 
*sighs dreamily*
i will grow my Master, just as these beautiful flowers. i will blossom and reach for those things which keep me growing, even through the floundering and steps back now and then.
slave *~destiny~*

1 comment :

  1. Beams with pride at the website My one has built and the well thought out first posting here – I just knew you’d rise to the challenge, just as I’m sure it will be a constant source of strength for you as you work out all those thoughts, doubts, highs and lows that make up our days – emotions you harbour at times with no venue to express them until now.Well done My one – Master is proud of you and look forward to reading each and every post while abiding by My promise to only read and absorb and discuss as needed but never held against you, as these are your thoughts and as such free and open!


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