
Thursday, May 22, 2014

His Words...

When i close my eyes i hear His voice, His words and the soft controlled tones.

"Good girl", He says to me and i know with all my being with those words i am so totally His. His property yes, yet so much more, an extension of Him. Of all He is and was meant to be, the Master, the One whose control is embedded and such an integral part of Him. What a deep honor to be an extension of that, what an amazing thing to be a part of.

"Who do you belong to?" He asks, and i can see that slight curve at the corners of His mouth and the calm exterior of His features. "i belong to You Master." i reply, and i know the depths of my words. How i am no longer my own being but am Owned and Cherished by my Master. One Who takes in every aspect of my being and cares for it more completely than i could ever do myself.

"Soon my angel, soon." He tells me and i feel the deep penetrating longing inside me, to be back in His arms where i know i belong. The deep ache to feel Him touch me again creating a physical hunger. A hunger that feels as all encompassing as food or water. His words of "soon" bringing forth the deep trust i have in all He tells me. Helping me remember that the time apart is but a fleeting moment in comparison to the time when W/we will once again be flesh to flesh.

"Master is proud of you." He soothingly tells me. Bringing forth a rush of joy  that flows through my being and i can almost feel the twinkle in my eyes as i look up to Him. A long awaited need continually being fed, the need to be accepted, appreciated and cherished for how i try so hard to please.

"All Mine." He proclaims and suddenly nothing else matters, not the past, not the future. Only that very moment, that complete feeling of wholeness and knowing exactly who i am, where i belong and what i am worth. Like being given a new name that so completely describes all that i am and all that i wish and long to be.

Isn't it just amazing how Masters voice and words can so penetrate even the thickest of walls that were built over the years. How even the smallest of phrases permeate me so completely and give me the strength and longing to do more. Grow more, give more and be more for Him and yes, even for me.



i am... and that is ALL i wish to be...


slave *~destiny~*

1 comment :

  1. This is lovely destiny, i haven't set mine up yet, but the words will be pretty similar. Just think of those words when you have those moments of doubt. xxx


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