
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

LDR & plug

Every once in a while being in a LDR relationship can be a bit challenging. You're in a position where you don't completely know what the other person is going through. Have they had a bad day, are they upset with you, not feeling well, real busy, or just need some alone time. Since you're not there to visually see what's going on your left kind of guessing.

Tonight was one of those types of nights for me.

Master and i had a very nice morning, a few little bumps in the road, you know how computers can be some days. We spent some time talking a little bit, and of course pleasing each other, i did have to try out a new toy. *giggles*

I had a hair appointment so we said our byes for the time being, He sent me to walk my pup before my shower and we spoke of meeting again tonight then parted ways, of course after some specific instructions from Master.*Smiles brightly* Those instructions being to ring my nipples and insert The new Njoy butt plug that i received in the mail (thank you so much joolz). i absolutely love this new plug! Master and i exchanged a few fun texts, one of which He had informed me that we are going to HAVE to invest in the next size up... always being my Master who thinks ahead. Got to admit i love the idea, as this small one is so nice i can only believe the next size up can only enhance that feeling and help be an even greater reminder of His control.

Unfortunately as i read this message the hair dresser was just getting ready to put the coloring in my hair, but GOD how i melted and wanted to reply. Maybe it was good that i couldn't in a way, as i remember sitting there with His last text to me fresh in my mind. It was really stirring me up and i found that the plug was gently reminding me of His words as she moved me around working on my hair.

my hairdresser and i chit chatted some and we got onto the topic of, who she calls my Man, and what a wonderful visit i had with Him for the five weeks He was here. This of course only enhanced my wanton desires and excited me more, as i do so love bragging of my Onederful Master, even if who i am speaking to doesn't understand the full details of our relationship. The whole time i am sitting there dying to text Master back and enjoying the fact that i am plugged and ringed so wonderfully.  So i sat there in my anxious and wanton state and as soon as she had the coloring on and i was able to actually type again i messaged Him back.

The plug being a constant reminder and teasing me as it was, had me really wishing she would hurry up so i could get home and tell Him about my first day out with the plug inserted. FINALLY she was done and i texted Master to let Him know i was on my way home. i wasn't sure when He would be back on with me but i was eager to tell Him of all the sensations and how i kept finding ways to adjust to feel the plug inside even more. Driving was awesome! Every little bump made the plug move within and i would naturally contract over it, feeling how the inner walls tightened more. It was almost like having a couple of Master's fingers inside probing and preparing to take His ass.

Once i was home, around 4:30 pm, i jumped right on the computer to let Him know i was home, hoping He was on. Unfortunately He wasn't. i try not to pester Master too much when He doesn't reply, as i do know He has a lot He is trying to handle, but i have to admit it was hard not to want to message Him more, as i so wanted to tell Him all about the experience and how i felt His presence and how much it made me want Him.

i then went on to work on a new website i have been trying to build, which will house various writings of mine, ate some supper, and vacuumed up the tiny Styrofoam bits my pup had gotten all over the place. Vacuuming was another highlight with the plug in, each time my arm would stretch forward i could feel it moving more prominently, this plug may just be the thing to make housework less tedious. *giggles* Also i am sure you know that as i sat here working on my site i was not exactly just sitting still either, love that my chair is on castors, that gentle rocking motion is so easy. i believe in my mind i was trying to keep myself aroused for my Master, as one day He had sent me a note of how He wants to use me badly and keep me wet with wanton abandon. i was also making sure since He was not on, that i got on with handling things around the home, as we had spoken of this also, but i will admit i really wanted to message Him again.

Instead i decided to go lay down for a bit, trying hard to be a good girl and not a pest and to be honest i think the excitement kind of made me a bit sleepy. So i took a nap and then woke around 8:00 pm. Plug still in, i remember lying there as i woke up and daydreaming about Him being the One to physically place the plug in. That did it, i got out of bed and came to my computer and messaged Him to let Him know i had just woken from a nap and was peeking in. Still no reply i went on to work on my site again.

i started to wonder then how long one can actually leave a plug in, as this is my first time having it in this long and i became a bit concerned. It really wasn't hurting or bothering me in the slightest but i decided it may be best to remove it. So i messaged Master around 9:00 pm to ask permission to remove it. Then i heard it! That familiar sound, so i hopped over to the message all ready to tell Him of my experience. But alas, it wasn't to happen. He gave me permission to remove it then let me know He just woke, He must have been in the main room, and that He was heading to His bed.

So now we come to the hard part of LDR. i wanted so badly to tell Him of His control over me and how it felt all day with the plug He had me put in, but i needed to be a good girl and understanding. You see i do know and understand the hard things my Master has to deal with. i understand how things can just zap Him and make Him tire out and even sometimes how He just needs His space. Yet in honesty i was still surprised and confused.

Questions then entered my mind... Questions like, Is He getting sick again? Has the ex been upsetting Him? Did i forget something and He is upset with me? Was He upset that i was unable to text Him right back earlier? Are all these plans He is taking care of are just flat out wearing Him down? Is He not getting enough sleep? That's when i decided to come here and write.

You see the hard part is the not being able to see. It's not like Him wishing to go on to bed is upsetting at all, it's that Him not saying more to me is not the norm. When it seems different or out of the norm, the mind goes all over trying to figure it all out. i hope i have not upset Him in anyway, as this would be awful. i hate that my mind goes all over in these cases, but i am learning still and i am trying. Thus why i only asked Him if i had upset Him, said i was confused, then kissed Him and left it alone. i know and trust my Master, and i am sure He will let me know what He will tomorrow at some point.

All of this is to be expected in an LDR and i know this and i accept it.  Trust me, my Master is worth it! i love being His in every way, even in this i am learning. Learning to find ways to process things better and to be strong and independent when He needs me to be such, both for Him and for myself. This is another of the many things He is teaching me. Besides i am one of the lucky ones, to belong to One such as Master is. He always makes sure i know i am cherished, important and thought of, checking in on me, sending me new tasks, talking to me, using me, caring for me, teaching me, even just being quiet along side of me. i only hope i can be the best slave possible for Him in all ways, including continuing to understand that sometimes Master just needs to be left alone a bit.

ni night my Master, rest well and Your slave can't wait to fill You in on more of the delicious details of her first day out with the plug, when You are ready. *smiles*

slave *~destiny~*


  1. Smiles - so glad to see your new toy is doing such a great job of keeping My ass filled and happy - chuckles- good girl!

  2. I am glad you like your plug as much as I do mine. The whole LDR think is difficult to manage especially with the time differences. It is so easy to miss each other and then to think all kinds of thoughts. But wearing the plug can definitely help you remember who you are and who you belong to.


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